What is occupational therapy?

A commonly asked question! For an OT, “occupations” are the meaningful activities that we want and need to do in our everyday lives, from brushing your teeth and getting dressed to eating meals with your family or going to school.

Everyone, of all ages, participates in occupations. An OT provides services that support engagement in these activities!

What if I’m not sure if my child would benefit from OT?

No worries! Contact Nicole at Nicole@RaisinJoyOT.com. She can let you know if OT is the right choice for you and your child.

What does it mean to be a neurodiversity affirming therapist?

A neurodiversity affirming therapist works to affirm, or support, individuals who may think, learn, or act differently from the majority. Neurodiversity affirming therapists know that supporting individuals who think and learn differently can promote successful, creative, and thriving communities. We are always, listening, learning, and growing.

What can I expect at my first OT appointment?

The first session is typically an OT evaluation, which will last about an hour. Nicole will interview the child’s caregivers to find out about their priorities for services and their child’s current strengths, abilities, and needs. Based on the child’s comfort level, they will “play” with Nicole so she can evaluate their skills. Assessments and screeners will be provided as needed. Nicole will determine if your child would benefit from OT services and complete a report detailing the results of the child’s evaluation. If OT services are needed, then she will complete a plan of care with goals specifically tailored to your child’s needs and family’s priorities.

What can I expect at my first OT treatment session?

Typically, the next session following the initial evaluation is a treatment session. Treatment sessions typically last 53 minutes. The first session usually focuses on building a strong foundation of safety and trust between therapist and child. Some parents will join their child in the room for the session, while others will wait in the lobby area (this depends on your comfort level, your child’s preferences).

Do you offer virtual appointments?


Do you accept insurance?

Raisin Joy Occupational Therapy is an Out-of-Network provider. I recommend contacting your insurance company to ask about “out-of-network benefits.”

If requested, I can provide an itemized “superbill” that can be submitted to insurance for reimbursements. Insurance plans differ in terms of both rate of reimbursement as well as the process for submitting Superbills for reimbursements. To learn more about your specific benefits and Superbill reimbursement processes, contact your insurance provider.  

Lentil, unofficial mascot of Raisin Joy OT 🐾